Wattletree Health Group New Client Referral

Client Details

Care package details/level (if applicable)
Care package provider
Attach documents as necessary
Attach documents as necessary
Attach documents as necessary
Attach documents as necessary
Are there any current alerts regarding client behaviour, family dynamic, home access, parking, language, cultural, COVID etc. If none, please write 'none'

Client Contact Details (If Applicable)

Client GP Details

Referrer Details (making the referral)

Wattletree Health Group offer a 24/7 emergency callout service for existing clients (3 hour minimum service charge at applicable rates). This is of particular benefit for clients with catheters or embedded foreign devices. If not approved, 24/7 number will be required for visit authorisation as necessary.
24/7 and After hours number to be called for emergency visit authorisation
Attach documents as necessary
Attach relevant documents as necessary
We are interested in how you heard about Wattletree Health Group (eg google, friend, GP, agency, newspaper, etc)

Quality/Referral | Version 3.9 | Last updated August 2024